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The Tektronix FG502 is a function generator plug-in
for TM500-series mainframes. 
It generates low distortion
sine, square, triangle, positive and negative pulse, and ramp waveforms
from 0.1 Hz to 11 MHz.
A squarewave trigger is available at the front panel.
Variable DC offset is also provided.
Α voltage-controlled frequency (VCF) input controls
the output frequency from an external voltage source.
The output frequency can be swept above or below the
selected frequency to  maximum of 1000:1 depending on
the polarity and amplitude of the VCF input and the
selected output frequency.
An external gate input allows the generator to operate
for the duration of an externally applied gating signal.
This mode provides either a single cycle output,
or a train of preselected waveforms,
depending on the gating signal width
and the generator frequency setting.
* [http://w140.com/smb/FG502_SM.pdf Tektronix FG502 Manual (OCR, PDF)]
* [http://w140.com/smb/FG502_SM.pdf Tektronix FG502 Manual (OCR, PDF)]

Revision as of 17:58, 25 June 2014

The Tektronix FG502 is a function generator plug-in for TM500-series mainframes. It generates low distortion sine, square, triangle, positive and negative pulse, and ramp waveforms from 0.1 Hz to 11 MHz. A squarewave trigger is available at the front panel. Variable DC offset is also provided.

Α voltage-controlled frequency (VCF) input controls the output frequency from an external voltage source. The output frequency can be swept above or below the selected frequency to maximum of 1000:1 depending on the polarity and amplitude of the VCF input and the selected output frequency.

An external gate input allows the generator to operate for the duration of an externally applied gating signal. This mode provides either a single cycle output, or a train of preselected waveforms, depending on the gating signal width and the generator frequency setting.