230: Difference between revisions

427 bytes added ,  8 July 2010
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and one that provides a binary-coded decimal representation of the number that is
and one that provides a binary-coded decimal representation of the number that is
displayed on the digital readout on the 230.
displayed on the digital readout on the 230.
The power supply in the Tektronix 230 is linear and provides regulated of +50V, +12V, +3.8V, +1.75V,
-3.5V, and -50V.  It also provides a +255V unregulated output.  The power supply transformer, electrolytic
capacitors, and output transistors are part of the chassis, not a removable unit.  The regulator circuits
are on a circuit card.
Most of the circuitry of the 230 is on circuit cards that plug into a backplane bus. 
