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The part about there being no 11000 horizontal plug-in slots is complicated.
TODO(kurt): Find out whether the RIGHT plug-in slot is special in 11400 and DSA600 scopes.
I'm not sure about the digital 11000 mainframes (i.e., 11400 and DSA600),
It seems likely that it is, given that the 11T5H manual says (section 1-1):
but in the 11300, the right plug-in slot is special.
The 11T5H is used with Tektronix Digitizing Mainframes.

First, a small caveat regarding 11300 nomenclature:
and lists only 11400 and DS600 mainframes in the mainframe compatibility table (table 4-4), and the same document (section 1-7) says
In most places, the slots are referred to as "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".
In some internal documents, though, the slots are referred to as "LEFT", "RIGHT", and "AUX".
Note: If the 11T5H is to be used to trigger on signals originating from an 11A34V Video Amplifier,
One example of the confusion can be seen in the
the 11T5H must be installed in the rightmost plug-in compartment of your mainframe.
[[Media:Tek 11301 SDI signal wiring.png|11301 SDI signal wiring schematic]], where names of the wires
on the left side of the schematic (i.e., pin names on the SDI chip) don't agree with the names of the wires
on the right side of the schematic (i.e., the interface board pin names).
This is really confusing since "RIGHT" sometimes refers to the middle slot and sometimes
refers to the rightmost slot. The public documentation (and user interface) are consistent:
the slots are called "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".

The RIGHT plug-in slot in 11300 scopes is funtionally a horizontal slot in the following ways:
So it seems likely that in 11400 and DSA600 scopes, the trigger signals are routed to the RIGHT plug-in slot, same as 11300 mainframes.
* The main signal output (pins 11A/11B) from the plug-in in the right plug-in slot cannot be routed to the vertical deflection plates of the CRT.
However, unlike 11300 mainframes, 11400 and DSA600 mainframes allow the RIGHT plug-in to function as a vertical plug-in, i.e., its main signal output (pins 11A/11B) can be used as the vertical axis.
* The main signal output (pins 11A/11B) from the plug-in in the right plug-in slot can be routed to the horizontal deflection plates.
* The trigger output signals from the LEFT and CENTER plug-ins are routed to the RIGHT plug-in. This can be seen in the 11301 Interface Board schematic, an excerpt of which is here: [[Media:11301 right slot trigger inputs.png|Trigger signal feeds from LEFT and CENTER 11301 plug-ins to RIGHT plug-in]].
So in some sense, the right plug-in slot of 11300 mainframes is a horizontal slot.
But Tektronix did not sell any general-purpose timebase plug-ins for the 11000 Series,
so it's not clear what they expected people to do with the rightmost plug-in slot.
As a matter of trivia, if one were to call the 11300's RIGHT slot a "horizontal" slot,
then might be the only Tek scope that has a timebase part of the mainframe and also
an easily swappable module.

Revision as of 09:05, 15 April 2018

TODO(kurt): Find out whether the RIGHT plug-in slot is special in 11400 and DSA600 scopes. It seems likely that it is, given that the 11T5H manual says (section 1-1):

The 11T5H is used with Tektronix Digitizing Mainframes.

and lists only 11400 and DS600 mainframes in the mainframe compatibility table (table 4-4), and the same document (section 1-7) says

Note: If the 11T5H is to be used to trigger on signals originating from an 11A34V Video Amplifier, the 11T5H must be installed in the rightmost plug-in compartment of your mainframe.

So it seems likely that in 11400 and DSA600 scopes, the trigger signals are routed to the RIGHT plug-in slot, same as 11300 mainframes. However, unlike 11300 mainframes, 11400 and DSA600 mainframes allow the RIGHT plug-in to function as a vertical plug-in, i.e., its main signal output (pins 11A/11B) can be used as the vertical axis.