TDS794D: Difference between revisions

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(Added Field Adjustment Software links)
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* [[Media:063-1134-00|TDS Family Programming Examples Software 063-1134-00 V1.2]] (ZIP)
* [[Media:063-1134-00|TDS Family Programming Examples Software 063-1134-00 V1.2]] (ZIP)
* [[|Tektronix TDS300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 AWE Drivers 066-0087-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Waveform Converter For Oscilloscopes 066-0002-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|AWE Drivers For Tektronix Oscilloscopes 066-0087-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|File Transfer Utility From TDS Scope To PC 066-0104-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Telecom Test and I-Pattern Software TTiP 066-0119-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Telecom Test and I-Pattern Software TTiP 066-0119-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Enhanced Printing Utility for TDS Family 066-0125-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Enhanced Printing Utility for TDS Family 066-0125-00]] (ZIP)
* [[Media:Tdsrteup_(TDS_runtime_Environment_TDSRTE1).zip|TDS runtime Environment TDSRTE1 066-0127-00]] (ZIP)
* [[Media:Tdsrteup_(TDS_runtime_Environment_TDSRTE1).zip|TDS runtime Environment TDSRTE1 066-0127-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Tektronix TDS500C/700C Custom Masks 066-0165-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Tektronix TDS500C/700C Custom Masks 066-0165-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|WFM to ASCII Waveform Converter - UNIX Version For Sun Spark Stations 066-0176-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Hardcopy from TDS to PC Using HPIP 82335B Interface Card 066-0177-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Example Program To Get Crossing Levels 066-0178-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|TDS ISF File To CSV File Conversion Utility 066-0179-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|TDS Sandisk Hard Disk Patch Utility 066-0183-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Transfer 2 Byte Data From TDS Oscilloscopes QuickBasic 066-0188-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|TDS Waveform Logging Sample Program 066-0194-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Load TDS Floppy MathCAD Files Into MathCAD 066-0196-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Transfer TDS Hardcopy Screens To PC Via GPIB 066-0197-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Transfer Setups Between TDS Oscilloscopes 066-0198-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|VB Program To Capture TDS Extended Waveforms 066-0200-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|TDS Series WFM File Formatter 066-0489-00]] (ZIP)
* [[|Tektronix Wavestar 2012. 16456 EN 066-0934-03]] (ZIP, 102MB) ''Product Key: WSTRO618650124''
* [[|Tektronix Wavestar 2012. 16456 EN 066-0934-03]] (ZIP, 102MB) ''Product Key: WSTRO618650124''

Revision as of 08:56, 22 July 2022

Tektronix TDS794
2 GHz, 4 GS/s 4-channel digital scope
Tektronix TDS794D

Produced from (?) to (?)




(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix TDS794 is a 2 GHz, 4 GS/s four-channel digital storage scope with a color screen.

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 2 GHz
Sample rate 1 channel @ 4 GS/s, 2 channels @ 2 GS/s, 3 or 4 channels @ 1 GS/s
Number of Channels 4
Vertical Sensitivity 10 mV to 1 V/div with calibrated fine adjustment
Resolution 8 bit
Time Base Range 200 ps to 10 s/div
Record length 50k samples per channel
Record Length (1M Option) 500 K points on 1 channel; 250 k points on 2 channels ; 130 k points on 3 or 4 channels
Record Length (2M Option) 8 M points on 1 channel; 4 M points on 2 channels ; 2 M points on 3 or 4 channels
Acquisition modes sample, envelope, average, high-resolution, peak-detect
Display Color; Zoom
Trigger modes Edge, logic, pulse; Video trigger with option 05 (NTSC, SECAM, PAL, HDTV, and FlexFormat)
Storage 1.44 Mbyte, 3.5 inch, DOS 3.3-or-later floppy disk. NVRAM storage for saving waveforms, hardcopies, and setups. Units with option HD present (requires additional hardware) have a hard disk drive
I/O Full GPIB programmability
Hardcopy Using GPIB, RS-232, or Centronics ports




See the Repairs page regarding HDD/FDD replacements.




TDS794 Probe (P6339A)