The Tektronix 105 is a 25 Hz to 1 MHz square wave generator. It is all tube.
The 105 has a d'Arsonval meter on its front panel indicating the current frequency. The frequency meter works on the principle of moving a constant amount of charge per cycle, integrating this charge into a current, and measuring the current.
It was designed by Howard Vollum and Charles Sanford.
- Frequency range: 25 Hz to 1 MHz
- Rise and fall time (10% to 90%): 20 nanoseconds
- Amplitude range (600-ohm internal load only): 10 V to 100 V peak-to-peak
- Amplitude range (93-ohm external load): 1.5 V to 15 V peak-to-peak
- Power consumption: 250 watts
- Weight: 35 pounds
105 front
Early style of 105 with blocky meter
powered on
internal view, tube side
right interior
output section detail
output waveform of 105
Block diagram
Power supply schematic
Generator schematic