The Tektronix Type 109 is a pulse generator using a GR-874 50-ohm output connector and has a specified rise time of 250ps. Pulse width can be programmed with a external 50 Ohm cable through two GR-874 50-ohm connectors. The maximum allowed impulse width is 50nS. The internal power supply allows 50Vpk and with ext. PWR max. 300Vpk is possible!
The special feature of the 109 is that the switching action is made directly by a mercury-reed contact. Frequency and life time was therefore fairly short, about 600Hz and 200 hours. So, if the operator forgets to shut the 109 down over the weekend and some holidays, the reed switch will need replacement. Be aware during servicing, the thermal breaker is on full mains and has no protection cover!
Front view
Right internal
Left internal
Rear view Connector not original
flying spot catched with 7904, S6, 7T11, 7M11. 2.5Vpk, Tr=240pS