This is a nearly true pure elektron tube scope, but in the power supply there are some silicon rectifiers and in the circuit is one germanium point contact diode. All wireing is made manually on ceramic supports. It´s bandwith is 4MHz. It´s sometimes very usefull because it contains a 1kHz calibrator output with up to 100V level combined with a step attenuator.
Like most old Tektronix devices the mains transformer holds a indefinite(!) warranty, so hold an eye to that. The device goes away on ebay here often for 30€ to 60€.
Fun on
- But its not quite clear what the "indefinite" means, live long for the device, the first owner, the company (Tek), the universe, or the transformer itself? ;-)
Fun off
Front view
Right internal
Folded off internal
Left internal
Top internal
Bottom special slot to access sweep trigger tubes
Rear view
indefinite warranty to the tektronix manufaktured transformer