The differences between the DM501 and the DM501A are like the differences between lightning and lightning bugs (to paraphrase Mark Twain). The DM501 is an object lesson in the definitions of "accuracy" and "precision". The DM501 is precise to 4 1/2 digits, but not accurate to 4½ digits. The combination of a D-to-A converter built from op amps and discretes combined with a noisy high-frequency isolated power supply make for barely achievable 3½ digit accuracy over all ranges. Every TM500 DVM after the 501 (including the DM501A, the DM502, and so on) used integrated A-to-D converters and a 60-hertz isolated power supply. If you have a choice between a DM501 and any other TM500-series DVM, choose the latter.

Splitting article into two artcles of DM501 and DM501A respectively?

Since there is a huge difference between DM501 and 501A I am wondering if it makes sence to split the article of DM501 into two articles of DM501 and DM501A respectively. Opinions?

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