S-53: Difference between revisions

1 byte added ,  28 April 2011
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an adjustable trigger offset voltage and trigger polarity selection. Switching diodes CR6 and CR8 are  
an adjustable trigger offset voltage and trigger polarity selection. Switching diodes CR6 and CR8 are  
used for selecting the trigger polarity.  The differential amplifier (i.e., phase splitter) generates
used for selecting the trigger polarity.  The differential amplifier (i.e., phase splitter) generates
both phases, inverted and noninverted.  Depending on the position of the trigger polarity switch one
both phases, inverted and noninverted.  Depending on the position of the trigger polarity switch, one
or the other of the phases is shunted by 200 ohm resistor.  The two signals are buffered by common-base
or the other of the phases is shunted by 200 ohm resistor.  The two signals are buffered by common-base
amplifiers Q20 and Q22, whose collector currents are summed.  R25 sets up a bias current on trigger  
amplifiers Q20 and Q22, whose collector currents are summed.  R25 sets up a bias current on trigger