Argo Systems AS210

Revision as of 17:14, 25 January 2016 by Richardb (talk | contribs)
Argo Systems AS210
Rubidium Time and Frequency Calibration System

[[Image:|thumb|center|250px|Argo Systems AS210]]

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(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The Argo Systems AS210 is a Rubidium Time and Frequency Calibration System plug-in for the TM500 system.

It consists of a mainframe and various plug-ins;

AS210A-PM A modified Tektronix TM515 Portable mainframe with Power Supply and Rubidium Oscillator,

AS210-01A Module Controller,

AS210-02 Frequency Comparator,

AS210-03 Frequency Generator,

AS210-04 Digital Delay Generator,

AS210-05 Standby Battery,

AS210-06 Microwave Frequency Generator,

AS210-08 Distribution Amplifier,

AS210-20 Time Clock

The exact function of the system depends on the plug-ins used in the system.

The Argo Systems AS210 is included here because it uses Tektronix mainframes and plug-in enclosures. Some systems use a modified TM506 mainframe. They are NOT compatable.

Note: The AS210 plug-ins are NOT electrically compatable with standard Tektronix mainframe power supplies. Switching plug-ins between systems would most likely damage the plug-ins and mainframes.

Key Specifications

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