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Revision as of 21:01, 10 January 2009 by Kurt (talk | contribs) (added question about clipping line)
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The P6032 is a high-speed cathode-follower probe. There is a miniature triode in the probe body. Like all active probes, the P6032 requires power, and for this reason it has two connectors at the scope end of cable. There is a four-pin power connector and a 50-Ohm GR connector for the signal. The triode has limited dynamic range, so attenuator attachments are provided that attach to the tip of the probe. These attenuators also reduce the loading of the probe on the probed circuit. The probe is rated to 850MHz. Because the probe contains a small triode, it gets slightly warm during operation.

What, exactly, does the clipping line in the probe body do? It appears to be 21mm of RG174 connected to the triode's cathode at one end, and open at the other end. The circuit description in the manual describes it vaguely, saying only that "The clipping line reduces signal aberration to a minimum."

The manual is here: