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Tektronix 50
200 kHz amplifier plug-in
Tek Type 50 front

Compatible with 560-series scopes

Produced from 1961 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix Type 50 is a vertical plug-in for 560-series scopes, introduced in 1961.

The only control is vertical position. When paired with a Type 51 sweep, the Type 50 is useful for measurements in the audio frequency range.

Key Specifications

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It is an AC amplifier with a frequency response of 15 Hz to 200 kHz. It provides a fixed 1 mV/div sensitivity.


Documents Referencing 50

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The Type 50 has a pair of 2N1631 germanium PNP transistors driving an output stage comprising a differential pair of pentodes.



Some Parts Used in the 50

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