Keithley 660A

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Keithley 660A
Differential voltmater
Keithley 660A frontal view

Produced from 1968 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Keithley 660A is a differential voltmeter that includes a Kelvin-Varley divider and a reference source up to 500 V.

The Keithley 660A can be used as potentiometer or as VTVM. As potentiometer it can measure from 100 microvolts full scale to 500 volts, with an error lower than 0.02% in the ranges from 100 mV up. As VTVM it reads from 1 mV to 500 V, with a 3% accuracy, and resistances up to 100.000 megahoms. Input resistance depends upon the selected range, being 50 MOhms from 0.1 V full scale, and rises to infinity at the null. The meter includes the 500 VDC precision voltage reference, the Kelvin-Varley divider and the chopper-stabilized null detector.

Key Specifications

Voltage ranges ±1 mV to ±500 V in decade ranges
Voltmeter input 50 MΩ to infinity
  • Input: Front-panel binding posts
  • Output: Rear-panel recorder output, adj. 10-25 mV FS, 300 Ω source
Power 105-125 or 210-250 VAC, 50-400 Hz, 45 W




Some Parts Used in the Keithley 660A

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
0G3 154-0291-00 Gas Discharge Tube (Voltage regulator) 85 V voltage reference 132 506 547 560 561 561A 561S 564 565 567 661 TU-4 Z Keithley 610 Keithley 660A
12AU7 154-041 154-0041-00 154-0287-00 Vacuum Tube (Dual Triode) dual medium-μ triode 104 104A 122 160 161 162 181 190 310 310A 316 317 3C66 502 502A 507 511A 512 516 517 517A 524 526 535 536 545 545A 545B 547 549 555 561 564 570 575 581 581A 585 585A C D E N Q Hickok 1825 Keithley 660A Pentrix L20 Pentrix L30
6CM6 Vacuum Tube (Pentode) 12 W beam-power pentode Keithley 660A
6CM8 Vacuum Tube (Triode/Pentode) triode-pentode combo Keithley 660A
7025 Vacuum Tube (Dual Triode) dual triode Keithley 660A