VGA Connector

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The VGA (Video Graphics Array) connector is a three-row, 15-pin DE-15 connector.

VGA connector
VGA connector
VGA Pinout
VGA Pinout

The 15-pin VGA connector was provided on many video cards, computer monitors, laptop computers, projectors, and high definition television sets. On laptop computers or other small devices, a mini-VGA port was sometimes used in place of the full-sized VGA connector.

The VGA connector is seen on newer Tektronix test equipment like the 2402, 3026, AM700, TDS524, TDS644, TDS3012, TDS3014, TDS3032, TDS3034, TDS3052, TDS3054, TDS5032, TDS5034, TDS5054, TDS5104, RSA3303, RSA3308, RSA3408, RSA5103 , RSA5106 , RSA5115 , RSA5126, RSA6106, RSA6114, and RSA6120.