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10/100 MHz Digital Storage Scope
Tek 468

Produced from 1980 to 1985

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 468 is a digital/analog scope, essentially a 465B with an added 25 MS/s 8 bit digitizer.


  • Digital mode: Sampling rate 25 MS/s, bandwidth 10 MHz (sine)/2.5 MHz (pulse), resolution 8 bit
  • Analog mode: 100 MHz bandwidth
  • GPIB option
  • please add more ...

Repair issues

Many 468s used Mostek MKB36000 masked ROMs that can suffer from "ROM rot". It may be necessary to replace the 160-0459-01 and 160-0759-01 ROMs with 2764 EPROMs through a 2364/2764 adapter. Another option might be using the MCM68766 EPROM.

ROM images

A16 STORAGE-DISPLAY Circuit Board Replacement ERROR in SERVICE Manual Schematic and Parts list (See Repairs)

