Talk:Ft doubler

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Revision as of 09:26, 2 February 2022 by Kurt (talk | contribs)
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I think that this page should be renamed "Transition frequency doubler" or "ft doubler".

In my understanding the 155-0078-00 and 155-0181-00 do not qualify as ft doubler circuits. Here the crossover topology just form a regular Gilbert cell to adjust the gain (or invert the polarity) of the signal, but does not act to boost the bandwidth. I am not simple removing the links yet, also because the 155-0181-00 page even mentions its an ft-doubler (I believe incorrectly) and for future reference. Gregor (talk) 12:54, 2 Feb 2022 (CET)

Hi, I'd like to chat about it, if you have time. Maybe a video call to discuss? Kurt (talk) 08:26, 2 February 2022 (PST)