The 82S185 is a 8K-bit TTL bipolar PROM arranged as 2048x4 bits with Tri-state outputs. In its Signetics N82S185F variant it has an read access time of 100ns and the TEK designation 156-1182-00.
Programmed Part Numbers
- 160-0083-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0083-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0084-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0084-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0085-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0085-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0086-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0086-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0087-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0087-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0088-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0088-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0089-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0089-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0090-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0090-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0091-00 (7912AD)
- 160-0091-01 (7912AD)
- 160-0092-00 (7912AD)