
Revision as of 06:19, 4 May 2018 by Chrisjones (talk | contribs)

Template:Plugin Sidebar 2

The Я4С-91 is a dual timebase plug-in for Soviet 7000-series clones. It is roughly analogous to the Tek 7B53A. It features a 3И306К tunnel diode in the timebase A trigger circuit.

Significant differences to the 7B53A include:

  • slowest sweep speed 50ms/div
  • no x10 magnifier, direct access to 5ns/div speed
  • timebase B always runs after timebase A and has no separate trigger
  • timebase mode A+B actually displays 'A intensified by B' alternating with B
  • delay time is set by a single-turn pot with a reduction drive, and it is not calibrated
  • only timebase B has variable time/div

The external trigger connector is a СР50-73 type. The plugin contains a number of integrated circuits of type 130ЛА3, which is a TTL quad 2-input NAND gate in a surface-mount package, like a 7400.

The example in the photos is labelled in German. A version labelled in Russian also exists.

Key Specifications

Time/div 50ms to 5ns
Trigger modes norm, auto, single sweep
Trigger sources internal, external, external/10, line

