The Tektronix 1230 is a logic analyzer chassis that supports 16 to 64 channels, 100 MHz asynchronous, 25 MHz synchronous. It was introduced in 1989. It is very similar to the Tektronix 1225 and 1220, the difference being board layout and the number of channels. There were option boards available that the user could install. There was four available: parallel printer port, RS232, GPIB interface and on-line notes in foreign languages. Tektronix also had a software package (S43R101) that would run on IBM PC compatible machines. It used the RS232 port to control the analyzer. A digitizing scope card could be installed with a 100MS/s resolution, it would add two channels (1230DSM). It was also available as a all in one package (1230D)
There was another variant the 1230B. The only difference was that it had a self-contained internal rechargeable battery.