Revision as of 23:12, 28 December 2020 by Rajesh (talk | contribs) (Pictures)

The Tektronix 214 is a small portable dual-trace analog CRT storage scope with a bandwidth of 500 kHz.

Portable dual-trace storage scope
Tek 214

Produced from 1974 to 1991

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 500 kHz above 10 mV/Div ; 400 kHz @ 5 mV/Div, 200 kHz @ 2 mV/Div, 100 kHz @ 1 mV/Div
Deflection 1 mV/Div to 50 V/Div, 1–2–5 sequence
Input impedance 1 MΩ (integral probes)
Writing speed > 80 Div/ms (500 Div/ms in Automatic Enhance)
AC operation 110 V to 126 V only, max. 3 W
Battery operation 10 × A size NiCd, 2.5–3.5 hours in store mode, 3.5–5 hours in non-store mode, 8 hours to charge (instrument off)
CRT 154-0695-00 (SN upto-49999), 154-0732-00 (SN 50000-up)


