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The Tektronix 067-0502-00 is an instrument designed for calibrating oscilloscope calibrators. It is very similar to the 067-0502-01. What are the differences?

Sherman Foy contributed the following information:

TekWiki asks the question: what is the difference? I have both units and have done an extensive review.

Looking @ the front panels [TNX 4 pix] of the –00 & the –01, it seems that the –01 dropped the X100 Amplifier section. The front panel is re-laid out, but what remains seems to be identical to the corresponding sections from the –00. IOW, the –00 is a superset and the –01 is a subset of the -00.

Note that the –00 transformer [T310] has 6 windings and the –01 transformer [also T310] has 5 windings. Some currents are different, as indicated.

I have made my own notes for the project of working on the two. Using the schematics for organization, I arrived @ the following table. I am using a re-organization of the sheets, the block diagram of the –00 and this table:

Section -00 -01 Sheet in -00 Sheet in -01 Sheet in proposed consolidated drawing set
Square Wave calibrator Used in both Used in both 1 1 [s/b 1]
X100 Amplifier Used in -00 Used in -01 2 -- [s/b 2]
Power Supply -00 has more sections Than –01 3 2 [s/b 3A for -00 & 3B for -01]
T310 P/N 120-0442-00 P/N 120-0615-00 3 2 3A/3B
High voltage, B+ 285 VRMS, 35 mA 300 VDC, 225 VDC & 100 VDC 285 VRMS, 35 mA 300 VDC, 225 VDC & 100 VDC 3 2 3A/3B
6.3 VAC (Chopper) Used in -00 Used in -01, noted as 1.84A 3 2 3A/3B
100 VRMS (-100 VDC) Used in -00, 40 mA Used in -01, 31 mA 3 2 3A/3B
6.3 VAC (MV 6DJ8) Used in -00 Used in -01 3 2 3A/3B
330 VRMS (Floating Supply) Used in -00 Used in -01 3 2 3A/3B
20 VRMS (X100 Filaments) Used in -00 Not used in –01 T310 3 2 3A/3B
Floating power supply Used in both; drives Square Wave MV Used in both; drives Square Wave MV 4 3 [s/b 4]