Reference material
- Replaceable Parts Registry (RPR)
- Common Design Parts Catalogs
- Tektronix Semiconductor Cross Reference (PDF)
- Tek-made Integrated Circuits Catalog
- Tektronix Semiconductor Design Catalog (PDF)
- Tektronix Integrated Circuit and Hybrid Circuit Catalog (PDF)
- 1970 Tektronix Parts Price List (PDF)
- Tektronix Schottky Diodes Memo From 1979 (PDF)
- Tektronix Transformers: Design and Manufacture (PDF)
- 157- Checked and Tested Tubes: Specs and Procedure (PDF)
- Tektronix Parts Book, October 1972 (PDF, needs OCR)
- Tube Aging (OCR, PDF)
- Tektronix Hybrid Circuits Engineering (PDF, needs OCR)
- Tektronix CRT Data Book (PDF, OCR)
- Tektronix 7k Series Assemblies, compiled by Shannon Hill (PDF)
- 1969 Parts Book Alphabetical Index (PDF)
- Schematic Reading and Component Familiarization (PDF)
- Semiconductor Diodes and Transistors Programmed Instruction (PDF)
- Operational Amplifiers and their Applications (PDF)
- "Some Basic Vacuum Tube Circuits used in Tektronix Instruments" by John Mulvey (here is an earlier version from 1960)
- Artur Seibt's Handbook of Oscilloscope Technology
- Peter D. Hiscocks "Oscilloscope Development, 1943-57"
- Westinghouse Magnetic Shielding Designers Handbook (PDF)
- Tektronix Materials Analysis Laboratory Capabilities (PDF)
- Radiant EMI Shielding of Plastics for Tektronix, 1982 Report (PDF)
Refer to the Measurements Concept Series and Engine Analyzer System manual as well:
- Tek's Scope Troubleshooting Guide
- 1959 Engineering and Maintenance Bulletins (PDF)
- Håkan H.'s list of Tektronix Mod Kits and Parts Replacement Kits
- Modified Products, June 1978
- Concepts Series books
- Tektronix Master Publications Index, 1986 (PDF)
- Tektronix Magazines (Service Scope, Tekscope etc)
- Tektronix Catalogs
- Tektronix Films
- Manuals