The Tektronix R293 is a pulse generator introduced in 1968 for use with automated measurement systems such as the 240 and R250. The R293 contains an analog programmable power supply and an analog programmable pulse generator. The pulse is produced by an avalanche transistor fed through a pulse shaper made of diode clamps and snap-off diodes. The output pulse amplitude is variable from 6 volts to 12 volts. The voltage overshoot of the output pulse is less that 3%. The risetime and falltime are 1 nanosecond or less.
The service procedure in the manual specifies the use of a 661 for adjustment of the pulse shaper.
Some instances of the R293 have an RF connector on the front panel while others have all of their connector on the rear panel. MOD 703M puts all input and output connectors of the R293 on the rear panel, for use in automated testing systems.
An R293 is normally programmed from a 250.
- Tektronix R293 Manual (PDF)
- Description of R293 from Tektronix Automated Testing Systems book (PDF)
- Tektronix R293 in 1968 Catalog (PDF)
Block Diagram
Pulse Generator
Pulse Shaper
Programmable Power Supply
Pulse Generator Power Supply