
The 4052R07 Signal Processing No.1is a ROM pack for the 4052 microcomputer.

Tektronix 4052R07
4052R07 Signal Processing No1 ROM Pack
Image needed

Produced from (?) to (?)

ROM Images
File Pos. Checksum
160-1416-00 U1 537acdb2
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The 4052R07 adds seven functions to the 4052. The functions locate minimum, maximum, threshold crossing, determine derivative (slope), integral (area) or perform fast unlabeling screen graphing of data.


Documents Referencing 4052R07

Document Class Title Authors Year Links
Tekniques vol.3 no.4.pdf Article Signal Processing ROM Pack #1 Speeds Up Numeric Sorting Dave Barnard 1979