General Radio 1124

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General Radio 1124
Time broadcast receiver plug-in
General Radio 1124

Compatible with 560-series scopes

Produced from 1968 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The General Radio 1124 is a Time Broadcast Receiver System consisting of a modified RM564 storage oscilloscope mainframe with a 2B67 time base and a GenRad-made receiver plug-in. Antenna connections to the receiver are routed through the rear of the modified mainframe.

The instrument came with five receiver circuit boards for RF frequencies of 2.5, 3.33, 5.0, 7.335, and 10 MHz, respectively, any two of which could be installed in the receiver module at the same time, in addition to a Loran-C (100 kHz) receiver board and an IF amplifier board that occupy two more sockets.

The 1124 is designed to work with a GR 1123-A Digital Syncronometer (a time comparator with a 6-digit Nixie clock display) and a GR 1115-B 5 MHz/1 MHz/100 kHz Standard Frequency Oscillator (based on an OCXO).

The oscilloscope is used to align reference pulses produced by the 1123 with the received signal.

The instruments are described in the 1968 GenRad catalog, pp.168+.

Key Specifications

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Some Parts Used in the General Radio 1124

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
6CW5 154-0202-00 Vacuum Tube (Pentode) power pentode 132 526 547 General Radio 1124 Telequipment D56