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Tektronix WP2250
Signal processing system

Produced from 1978 to (?)

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(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix WP2250 Programmable Digitzer System is a self-contained signal acquisition and data processing system with the CP4165 Instrument Controller and TEK SPS BASIC Software.

Configuration July 1978

Count Description Price
1 7912AD Programmable Digitizer with 012-0630-01 cable (2m.)
1 7A16P Programmable Amplifier
1 7B90P Programmable Timebase
1 634 Video Monitor
1 607A X-Y Monitor
1 CP4165 Instrument Controller
1 CP115 Dual Floppy Diskette Drive with Q Bus Interface
1 4010-1 Display Terminal
2 75-Ohm BNC Cables (012-0074-00)
3 50-Ohm BNC Cables (012-0057-01)
2 75-Ohm Terminators 011-0055-00)
1 437-0241-00 Single Bay Cabinet
1 TEK SPS BASIC on single floppy diskette with:
CP55003 IEEE-488/7912AD Driver Package
CP91171 Signal Processing Package
CP91271 Graphics Package

Options July 1978

Number Description Price
01 Delete 4010-1 Terminal -$4,840
02 Delete plug-ins -$2,925
04 Delete cabinet -$2,160
05 Delete CP4165 Instrument Controller -$8,300
06 Delete CP115 Dual Floppy Diskette Drive with Q-Bus Interface -$3,555
07 Delete TEK SPS BASIC -$6,930
08 Change TV scan rate (625 line/50Hz) N/C
09 Change line voltage (230 V/50 Hz) N/C
11 Add CP1164 Instrument Controller +$19,215
12 Add CP115 Dual Floppy Diskette Drive with UNIBUS Interface +$3,950
13 Add CP110 Cartridge Disk Drive and controller +$11,195
14 Add second CP110 Cartridge Disk Drive without controller +$5,725
15 Substitute DUAL bay cabinet for single bay cabinet +$2,375
17 Substitute R4010-1 rackmount terminal for 4010-1 +$,935
18 Add 4014-1 Display Terminal, including interface for CP1100/CP4100 controller and minibus extender +$12,290
19 Delete 607A X-Y monitor & cables -$1,590
20 Delete 634 Video monitor & cables -$1,140
26 Add 4631 Hard Copy Unit +$4,395
28 Add 4632 Video Hard Copy Unit +$4,395
30 Add 1 each 7912AD without plug-ins (*) +$18,900
31 Add 2 each 7912AD without plug-ins (*) +$37,800
32 Add 3 each 7912AD without plug-ins (*) +$56,700
33 Add 1 each 634 Video Monitor and cables +1,335
34 Add 2 each 634 Video Monitor and cables +2,670
36 Add 1 each 607A X-Y Monitor and cables +1,910
37 Add 2 each 607A X-Y Monitor and cables +3,820
40 Provide TEK SPS BASIC on cartridge disk +$,120
43 Add TEK SPS BASIC high level support package CP89771 +$550
44 Add TEK SPS BASIC assembly level support package CP89772 +$2,750

(*) Options 30,31 and 32 are mutually exclusive