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Portable 150/300 4-ch scope
Tektronix 2465

Produced from 1984 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 2465 is a four-channel 300 MHz portable oscilloscope. The 2445 is a 150 MHz version.

CRT is the 154-0850-01.

The 2465 is from the penultimate generation of analog Tektronix scopes.

The horizontal amplifier in the 2465 was designed by Art Metz and Ken Schlotzhauer. Art Metz also worked on the triggers. Art Metz and Walt Ainsworth designed the sweeps.


  • Option 01 (DMM) added a 4½-digit, fully autoranging digital multimeter which measures DC and AC voltage and current, resistance, dBV, dBm, continuity, and temperature.
  • Option 05 (TV) added TV (back-porch) clamp circuitry to the Channel 2 input and TV trigger coupling modes, allowing selection of either horizontal or vertical sync pulses to obtain horizontal-line-sync or field-sync pulse triggering.
  • Option 06 (Counter/Timer/Trigger) allows precision time-interval measurement, event and frequency counting, delay-by-events triggering, and logic triggering.
  • Option 09 added option 06, the CTT, plus a 17-bit P6407 word recognizer probe.
  • Option 10 added a GPIB interface for remote control.
  • Option 11 added two probe-power connectors on the rear panel of the instrument. Only shown in the Tektronix catalogues for the 2465A (1987) and 2465B (1989)
  • Option 46 is the designation for the military version of the scope (OS-288/G) that included option 10 IEEE-488 interface and 2 probes.

Key Specifications

     — 2445
Bandwidth 150 MHz
     — 2465
Bandwidth 350 MHz
     — Common
Sweep Rate 500 ps/div
Channels Four independent channels
Vertical 2 mV/div vertical sensitivity
Cursors Delta Volts and Delta Time Cursors
CRT Readout Scale Factors, Trigger Level, Voltage, Time, Frequency, Phase and Ratio Measurements and Mode Indicators
Trigger Advanced Triggering with "Hands Off" Auto Level Triggering
Trigger Bandwidth 500 MHz min.
Input Impedance 50 Ω/1 MΩ inputs with 50 Ω protection
Probes Two P6131 ×10 probes, 1.3 m

See also




Tek 2445 with dmm.jpg Tek knobless 2445.jpg|Prototype Knobless 2445 in VintageTEK Museum </gallery>