25ps Push-Pull Pulse Generator

Revision as of 07:40, 28 January 2019 by Kurt (talk | contribs)

The 25 ps Push-Pull Pulse Generator (PPPG) produces simultaneous rising and falling edge pulses. One pulse generator head is a standard S-52, generating rising edge pulses. The other pulse generator head is a specially modified S-52 that produces negative edge pulses.

The 25 ps Push-Pull Pulse Generator (and its special negative pulse S-52) were for internal purposes, not for sale outside of Tektronix.

This pulse generator was first used to test the rise time of the M84.

The 25ps Push-Pull Pulse Generator provides two independently isolated transformer-coupled pretrigger pulse outputs via rear-panel BNC connectors.

The PPPG uses the 260-0834-00 DPDT switch, which is a maintenance issue.

