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Revision as of 10:14, 2 April 2019 by Floopy (talk | contribs)

(Floopy) I noticed that there is a lot of info and images on the terminal-wiki. Although it be nice to have it here, I don't know if copying what they have would be very reasonable. So I'm just linking to the corresponding web pages. Note that a lot of manuals are online and I haven't added them (yet).

A basic description would be nice, otherwise there is little point in having a page in the first place, especially where Terminal-Wiki fails to capture the essentials like in this case. --Peter (talk) 04:35, 26 March 2019 (PDT)

(Floopy) Do you think it's alright if I add photos from the catalogue. I think it makes the page look a bit less empty, if someone has better pictures they can just replace them. I've also been putting hidden text of the catalogue reference.

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