Telequipment S22

Revision as of 02:04, 2 August 2019 by Peter (talk | contribs)

The Telequipment S22 is a battery-operated 5 MHz single-channel scope.

5 MHz single-channel portable scope
Telequipment S22 (catalog image)

Produced from (?) to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 5 MHz (1 MHz in ×10 mode), AC cutoff 2 Hz
Deflection 10 mV/Div to 5 V/Div (1 mV/Div to 500 mV/Div in ×10 mode), 1−2−5
Time base 1 μs/Div to 300 ms/Div (1−3−10), ×10 magnifier down to 100 ns/Div
Trigger Internal (1 Div) or External (500 mV) AC, TV (Field or Line)
Battery 6 NiCd "D" cells, 4 hours operation, 14 hours charge
Power 100-112 V/112-125 V/200-224 V/225-250 V, 50-440 Hz, 14 VA
Weight 4.3 kg


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