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The Type 544 is a 50MHz scope introduced in 1964. It has one timebase. The timebase has several horizontal magnifier modes: x2, x5, x10, x20, x50, and x100. To make horizontal magnification usable, the 544 has a vernier horizontal position control in addition to the regular horizontal position control. The fastest calibrated sweep is 10ns/div. Some magnification modes provide sweeps faster than 10ns/div, but in those modes the horizontal scale is not calibrated, and a lamp on the front panel lights up to remind the operator of that.

The 544 (at least the early ones) uses the same tunnel diode triggering circuit as is used in early 547 (tunnel diode in the collector load of a PNP differential amplifier).

A factory modification, MOD 108G, was available that increased the accelerating voltage to 24kv. The 1968 catalog lists an RM544 Mod 720 which has a direct-access plug-in and has 1ns risetime.

The vertical amplifier and low voltage power supply of the 544 are the same as those of the 546 and 547. The 544 uses the 154-0478-00 CRT which is also used by the 543B, 545B, 546, and 547.