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The Tektronix FG501 is a function generator plug-in for the TM500 system.

Tektronix FG501
function generator
Tektronix FG501

Produced from 1972 to 1993

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The TRIG OUT signal is available on the front panel via a BSM female connector.

Key Specifications

     — FG501
Frequency 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz in decade steps
Output Max. 20 Vp-p into high impedance, 10 V into 50 Ω (SN < B130000: 15/7.5 V)
Offset Max. ±7.5 Vp-p into high impedance, 5 V into 50 Ω (SN < B130000: 5/2.5 V
     — FG501A
Frequency 0.002 Hz to 2 MHz in eight decade steps
Output Max. 30 Vp-p (into high impedance)
Attenuator 60 dB in 20 dB steps, 20 dB variable
Rise time 25 ns
     — All models
Signals sine, square, triangle, ramp, pulse
  • voltage controlled frequency input (1000:1 ratio)
  • triggering
  • variable phase control
  • symmetry variable from 5—95%
  • internal sweep generator, 3 decades, lin/log



