Keithley 195A

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Keithley 195A
5½-digit TRMS digital multimeter
Keithley 195A

Produced from 1984 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Keithley 195A is a 5½-digit LED True-RMS, auto-ranging digital multimeter. It features a standard GPIB interface. Current and True RMS ranges are optional (Opt. 1950).

Key Specifications

Voltage (DC) 20 mV to 1000 V full scale in decade ranges; >1 GΩ input resistance (10 MΩ in 20 V and above ranges)
Voltage (AC) 200 mV to 700 V full scale in decade ranges; 2 MΩ // 75 pF; 250 kHz; True RMS; Crest factor <3:1
Current (DC) 20 μA to 2 A full scale in decade ranges (Option 1950)
Current (AC) 200 μA to 2 A full scale in decade ranges (Option 1950); True RMS; Crest factor <3:1
Resistance 20 Ω to 20 MΩ full scale in decade ranges, 2- or 4-terminal
Temperature –200 °C to +630 °C using a PT-100 RTD sensor
