John C. Dalrymple

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John C. Dalrymple (? – ?)

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Documents Authored by John Dalrymple

  • D. J. Doornink and J. C. Dalrymple, "The Architectural Evolution of a High-Performance Graphics Terminal," in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 47-54, April 1984, doi: 10.1109/MCG.1984.276144. This case study of the design of the Tektronix 4115B details the design constraints, shows how the architecture evolved from the Tektronix 4113, and shows how performance was gained by adding a microcoded picture processor and some special-purpose hardware.

Products by John Dalrymple

Components by John Dalrymple

Patents by John C. Dalrymple

Page Office Number Title Inventors Company Filing date Grant date
Patent US 4586037A US 4586037A Raster display smooth line generation Harvey J. Rosener David L. Knierim John C. Dalrymple Tektronix Inc 1983-03-07 1986-04-29
Patent US 4672369A US 4672369A System and method for smoothing the lines and edges of an image on a raster-scan display Richard B. Preiss John C. Dalrymple Tektronix Inc 1983-11-07 1987-06-09
Patent US 4601021A US 4601021A Highlighting and classifying segments on a CRT display Byron G. Paul James H. Maynard John C. Dalrymple Tektronix Inc 1984-12-19 1986-07-15
Patent US 4791595A US 4791595A Digital vector generation with velocity correction by tabulation of counter control signals John C. Dalrymple Tektronix Inc 1986-07-11 1988-12-13
Patent US 4862155A US 4862155A Graphic display system with secondary pixel image storage John C. Dalrymple Byron G. Paul Tektronix Inc 1987-10-26 1989-08-29
Patent US 5084830A US 5084830A Method and apparatus for hidden surface removal Douglas J. Doornink John C. Dalrymple Tektronix Inc 1987-10-26 1992-01-28
Patent US 5142617A US 5142617A Method of shading a graphics image John C. Dalrymple V. B. Sureshkumar Tektronix Inc 1988-10-27 1992-08-25
Patent US 5181014A US 5181014A Method and apparatus for representing three-dimensional color data in a one-dimensional reference system John C. Dalrymple Scott W. Bigger Tektronix Inc 1989-05-22 1993-01-19
Patent US 4951230A US 4951230A Method and apparatus for tiling an image John C. Dalrymple Suresh V. B. Kumar Peter B. Parkinson Tektronix Inc 1989-09-05 1990-08-21