Michael Rieger

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Michael Lawrence Rieger (? – ?)

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Documents Authored by Michael Rieger

Document Page Class Title Author(s) Year Refers to
Technology Report March 1980.pdf 15 Article Patent Received: 4,163,948 Glitch Filter for D/A Converter Michael Rieger Martin Singer 1980 Patent US 4163948A

Products by Michael Rieger

Components by Michael Rieger

Patents by Michael Rieger

Page Office Number Title Inventors Company Filing date Grant date
Patent US 4032768A US 4032768A Constant velocity vector generator Michael Rieger Tektronix Inc 1975-10-24 1977-06-28
Patent US 4039899A US 4039899A Geometry and focus correction circuit Carl Battjes Harvey Leon Golladay Michael Rieger Binoy Rosario Ken Schlotzhauer Tektronix Inc 1976-05-03 1977-08-02
Patent US 4122528A US 4122528A Integrator circuits for a constant velocity vector generator Michael Rieger Tektronix Inc 1977-03-04 1978-10-24
Patent US 4163948A US 4163948A Filter for digital-to-analog converter Michael Rieger Martin D. Singer Tektronix Inc 1978-04-27 1979-08-07
Patent US 4283765A US 4283765A Graphics matrix multiplier Michael Rieger Tektronix Inc 1979-05-25 1981-08-11
Patent US 4777651A US 4777651A Method of pixel to vector conversion in an automatic picture coding system Benjamin E. McCann Michael Rieger Tektronix Inc 1984-06-25 1988-10-11