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The Tektronix T7610  (P/N 154-0784-00, 154-0784-01) is a coding tube, i.e. a CRT with electronic output.

It was developed for the 7612D 80 MHz digitizer which had a nominal sampling rate of 200 MS/s.

According to the "Special CRTs" paper linked below,

The equivalent maximum fullscale sine wave at the input [...] is 15 MHz for 8 bit, 20 MHz for 7 bit, and 60 MHz for 6-bit resolution.
The 3 dB point in the rolloff due to [beam] transit time occurs at 450 MHz. At 100 MHz, deflection sensitivity has decreased by 2.1 %.

Some instruments using part T7610

Instrument Manufacturer Class Model Description Introduced
7612D Tektronix Oscilloscope 7612D 200 MS/s sampler 1980

