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Template:Plugin Sidebar 2 The Tektronix 5S14 is a 1 GHz dual-trace delayed sweep sampler plug-in. It is almost identical to the 7S14 plugin (from the 7000 series) except for the omission of read-out circuits.

It is a complete sampling system unlike, for example, the 7S11, which requires a separate sampling timebase plug-in to provide triggering and sampling pulse generation.

Key Specifications

Rise time 350 ps (1 GHz bandwidth)
Trigger bandwidth 100 MHz (Norm/Auto trigger), 1 GHz (HF sync)
Vertical deflection 2 mV/Div to 0.5 V/Div in 1—2—5 sequence
Sweep rate 100 µs/Div to 100 ps/Div in 1—2—5 sequence
Input impedance 50 Ω
Maximum input voltage 5 V peak
  • Dual channel, CH1 / CH2 / Dual / Add / X—Y modes
  • Delayed timebase
  • DC Offset controls


The 5S14N contains two samplers, trigger and sweep circuitry, and circuitry to interface it with the 5000-series mainframe in which it operates. The mainframe provides the 5S14N with power. As a combined horizontal/vertical plug-in the 5S14N sends the mainframe both horizontal and vertical signals.

There are two 1.35 V mercury button cells, BT1 and BT2, in the sampler circuit. They act as floating bias sources, so if a 5S14 stops working it may be not defective apart from the dead batteries.

The sampler used by the 5S14 is a two-diode design. Each of the two input channels has its own sampler.

Most boards in the 7S14 and 5S14N are common. However, since 5000-series plug-ins are shorter than 7000 series and the mainframe interface is different, the 7S14 contains two 7000-specific interface boards (horizontal/vertical) that plug into the 7000 series mainframe. The common main horizontal board has the 5000-series interface connector fingers at the rear, these remain hidden within the 7S14 (see photo).


$1,850 (1975)

