Larry Petersen

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Lawrence Christof Petersen (? – ?) worked at Tek as a mechanical engineer (? – ?).    Please add referenced biography.


Documents Authored by Larry Petersen

Products by Larry Petersen

Manufacturer Model Description Designers Introduced
Tektronix 4611 Electrostatic printer Pete Unger Jon Mutton Sam Gordon Larry Shorthill Arthur Tobin Willard Harrison Bruce Petrick Larry Petersen Eldon Hoffman David Kreitlow Jim Beehler Tom Sjordal Bob Neimeyer Maria Lochmann 1981
Tektronix 4612 Electrostatic printer Pete Unger Jon Mutton Sam Gordon Larry Shorthill Arthur Tobin Willard Harrison Bruce Petrick Larry Petersen Eldon Hoffman David Kreitlow Jim Beehler Tom Sjordal Bob Neimeyer Maria Lochmann 1981

Components by Larry Petersen

Patents by Lawrence Christof Petersen

Page Office Number Title Inventors Company Filing date Grant date
Patent US 3880528A US 3880528A Light probe Lawrence Christof Petersen Bruce Michael Jerrick Tektronix Inc 1973-07-02 1975-04-29
