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500 MHz, 2 GS/s 4-channel digital scope

Produced from (?) to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix TDS754 is a 500 MHz, 2 GS/s quad-channel digital storage scope.

Key Specifications

Bandwidth and Channels 500 MHz; 2 Channels
Vertical Sensitivity 1 mV to 10 V/div with calibrated fine adjustment
Time Base Range 500 ps to 10 s/div
Sample Rate 2.0 GS/s on 1 channel ; 2.0 GS/s on 2 channels ; 1 GS/s on 3 or 4 channels
Record Length 50 K points each channel
Record Length (1M Option) 500 K points on 1 channel; 250 k points on 2 channels ; 130 k points on 3 or 4 channels
Record Length (2M Option) 8 M points on 1 channel; 4 M points on 2 channels ; 2 M points on 3 or 4 channels
Interface GPIB standard ; RS-232 interface  ; Centronics interface



The TDS754C&D and TDS784C&D series are nearly identical, with the differences being in front-panel cosmetics and the presence (754) or absence (784) of a few capacitors on the acquisition board. The only other difference is the position of instrument ID jumpers, also on the acquisition board. In fact, it is entirely possible to convert a 754 to a 784 (see abVe Links and the TDS784 page for more information).

Note that in the TDS700D series, the acquisition board variant is important — the CPU Board with Firmware 7.xx cannot be used together with the acquisition board, and the CPU board with old Firmware 6.xx doesn't run with the new acquisition board. The CPU board having part number 671-4349-00 is not a reliable indication of a compatible firmware version.

Pictures of TDS754C

Pictures of TDS754D

Assembly part numbers

Assy Description TDS754A P/N TDS754C P/N TDS754D P/N
A10 Acquisition board 671-1476-05 671-4039–01 679-4165-0x/679-4771-01
A10 Acquisition board (1M Opt.) - 671-4041–00 679-4166-0x/679-4771-01
A10 Acquisition board (2M Opt.) - - 679-4771-01
A11 DRAM/CPU/Display board (inlc. 1M Opt.) - 671-4003–00 / 671-4172–00 671-4172–00 / 671-4349-00
A11 DRAM/CPU/Display board (only 2M Opt.) - - -
A12 Front panel assembly - 614-0937–02 614-0953–00
A14 D1 Bus - 671-2847-00 671-2847-00
A14 D1 Bus (Opt. 05) - 671-2848-00 671-2848-00
A15 Attenuator assembly - - -
A16 Power supply unit - 620–0063–04 620-0063-05
A20 CRT Display assembly - 640–0077–04 640–0077–11
A23 RS232/Centronics assembly 640-2437-00 640-2437-00 640-2437-00