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Tektronix 11801
Digital sampling scope
Tektronix 11801

Produced from 1989 to 1999[1]

ROM Images
File Pos. Checksum

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 11801 is a digital sampling oscilloscope that takes four 11800 series plug-in sampling modules. Input channel capacity can be expanded up to 68 sampling modules (136 channels) using up to four SM-11 Multi-Channel Units if option 1M is installed in the 11801.

The 11801 design team included Murlan Kaufman, Stan Kaveckis, Agoston Agoston, John Carlson, John Rettig, Jon Lueker, and Roy Lewallen.

The 11801A update was introduced in 1991, the 11801B in 1994, and the 11801C by 1997.

The CSA803 is effectively a variant of the 11801.

Key Specifications

Vertical Resolution 8 bits − 25 points/div
Input Sensitivity 2 to 255 mV/div in 1 mV/div steps
Record Duration 10 ps to 50 ms
Record Length 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 5120 samples
Sample Rate up to 200 kHz
Jitter 1.1 ps RMS + 4 ppm of position (typical)
Maximum Trigger Input 1 Vp-p (1x), 10 Vp-p (10x), 2.5 Vp-p prescaler
Trigger Sensitivity 50 mV, DC − 4 GHz, AC coupled trigger prescaler to 10 GHz
  • Plain 11801: 9" monochrome, touch screen
  • 11801A/B/C: 8½" color, touch screen



  • 1990: $23,500 (~$55,300 in 2023 dollars)
  • 1991: $27,500 (11801A)[2]
  • 1995: $25,000 (11801B)[3]
  • 1998: $27,500 (11801C)[4]


Documents Referencing 11801

Document Class Title Authors Year Links
85W-8882.pdf Application Note Z-Profile Algorithm 1993



  1. See 9/1999 update date, when the 11801C became listed as discontinued, on https://web.archive.org/web/20000517211925/http://www.tek.com/Measurement/Products/catalog/11801c/index.html
  2. 1991 Tektronix catalog, p. 47
  3. 1995 Tektronix catalog, p. 101
  4. 1998 Tektronix catalog, p. 674