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Tektronix 201
oscilloscope cart
201-1 Model D

Produced from 1961 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 201 is an oscilloscope cart designed for the 422, 503, 504 515, 516, 561, 564, and 647. The width of the tray is 10.5" / 26.5 cm.

The 201-2 variant (originally called 203 in the 1961 catalog) has a drawer and a carrier for two 560-series plug-ins, the 201-1 variant has only a drawer.

The 202 is a slightly wider version for 500-series scopes.


1961: $85 without / $99.50 with plug-in drawer (2020 equivalent: $740 / $865)
