Archie Barter

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Archie M. Barter (? – ?)

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Documents Authored by Archie Barter

Products by Archie Barter

Manufacturer Model Description Designers Introduced
Tektronix 690SR RGB color video monitor John Horn Wayne Olmstead Gary Andrews Archie Barter Dan Baker Dan Teichmer Clayton Wahlquist 1981

Components by Archie Barter

Patents by Archie M. Barter

Page Office Number Title Inventors Company Filing date Grant date
Patent US 4241296A US 4241296A Horizontal deflection circuit including protection for output transistor Archie M. Barter Tektronix Inc 1979-05-29 1980-12-23
Patent US 4442458A US 4442458A CRT Video drive circuit with beam current stabilization Archie M. Barter Tektronix Inc 1982-03-29 1984-04-10
Patent US 4431949A US 4431949A Lateral convergence correction system Clayton C. Wahlquist Archie M. Barter Tektronix Inc 1982-03-31 1984-02-14
Patent US 4464709A US 4464709A Current and voltage protection for a power supply circuit Archie M. Barter Tektronix Inc 1982-04-06 1984-08-07