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The CA3046  (P/N 156-0048-00) is a transistor array monolithic integrated circuit (aka LM3046). 156-0068-00 is the same part selected to VCEsat ≤0.4 V.

The CA3086 (PN 156-0197-00) / LM3086 is identical but has no guaranteed Vos/Ios specs.

Other possible alternatives include the NTE912.

The IC contains five 15 V, 50 mA, 120 MHz Si-NPN transistors. One pair has a common emitter pin.

Used in

Some instruments using part CA3046

Instrument Manufacturer Class Model Description Introduced
4501 Tektronix Scan converter 4501 Scan converter 1969
4551 Tektronix Terminal 4551 Light pen system 1971
4601 Tektronix Printer 4601 Printer 1970
7104 Tektronix Oscilloscope 7104 1 GHz mainframe with MCP CRT 1978
7403N Tektronix Oscilloscope 7403N 65 MHz non-storage mainframe 1970
7503 Tektronix Oscilloscope 7503 90 MHz non-storage mainframe 1970
7603 Tektronix Oscilloscope 7603 100 MHz non-storage mainframe 1972
7613 Tektronix Oscilloscope 7613 100 MHz variable-persistence storage mainframe 1972
7623 Tektronix Oscilloscope 7623 100 MHz multi-mode storage scope 1972
7633 Tektronix Oscilloscope 7633 100 MHz multi-mode storage mainframe 1974
7B53A Tektronix Plug-in 7B53A 100 MHz dual timebase 1973
7D12 Tektronix Plug-in 7D12 digital meter plugin 1974
DM502 Tektronix Plug-in DM502 basic 3½ digit digital multimeter 1975
FG504 Tektronix Plug-in FG504 40 MHz function generator 1976
FG507 Tektronix Plug-in FG507 sweep function generator 1980
Keithley 227 Keithley Power supply 227 Current source 1976
S-52 Tektronix Plug-in S-52 pulse generator 1971
Telequipment D34 Telequipment Oscilloscope D34 portable 15 MHz 2-ch scope 1979

