User talk:Njbrown

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Hey, Nj - thanks for the manual! I uploaded an optimised copy - it's amazing how much smaller it is that the one you uploaded - I thought I should tell you so you can avoid the system you used - I see in the header that it was produced by iText:

iText itext-paulo-155 ( -

but also letting you know so that you can download this new copy which will work faster for you and be easier to search (with ctrl-F in most PDF reader software and browsers). Oh - and I'm sure that Peter will be along soon to rename it to the Tek part number "070-5768-02.pdf". Thanks again :-) Qfissler (talk) 13:13, 16 June 2024 (PDT)

thank you for the optimized copy! i raw scanned the addendum with `Xsane`, and concatenating them with `pdftk`. each monochrome page was about 4.4~MB, and each greyscale/color page was about 95~MB, there were about four of those, which added to the bulk a lot, but still. My goal was to get as close to the original copy as i could. in hindsight, compressing it and checking the differences *should* have been something i did, but oh well, live and learn! nice catch and good call on the filename, too. --Njbrown (talk) 16:34, 16 June 2024 (EST)