500-series plug-in connector

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500-series scopes (53x, 54x, and 55x) and 127, 132, 133 have bays that take letter-series and 1-series plug-ins which typically control the vertical axis of the display. Two exceptions are the 555 and the 536. The 555 additionally takes two 555-specific timing/sweep plug-ins (21, 22, 21A, 22A) that control the horizontal deflection of the two beams. The 536 takes two letter-series or 1-series plug-ins; One controls vertical, the other horizontal, in XY mode.

The pinout changed significantly in the 20+ year run of the 500 series. Pins 1, 2, 3, 8, 16, and all power supply pins remained the same, however.

The Type T timebase plugin and it's host, the horizontal bay in the 536 also have a banana jack mounted above the main connector for retrace blanking.

580-series scopes use their own very similar plug-ins.

The pinout on the connector is as follows:

Pin number Function
1 Signal +
3 Signal -
4 Trigger -
544, 546, 547, 549,
late 555s, and 556
5 Trigger +
544, 546, 547, 549,
late 555s, and 556
6 Sawtooth
(556 only?)
7 Alt Timebase sync on 547
8 Multi-Trace Sync
9 -150 V DC
10 +100V DC
11 +225V DC
12 +350V DC
13 6.3V AC relative to pin 14
14 6.3V AC relative to pin 13
15 +75V DC
16 Multi-Trace Sync