5000 Series plug-in interface

Revision as of 04:52, 22 August 2020 by Peter (talk | contribs)

Tektronix 5000 series oscilloscope mainframes have two vertical plug-in slots, and one horizontal plug-in slots.

The interconnect on either slot type is a 56-pin PCB edge connector.

Looking into the mainframe from the front panel, "A" pins are left of the connector centerline and "B" are on the right. Pins are numbered from 1 at the bottom to 28 on the top.

  A side B side
Pin Function Function
1 +200 V +38 V unreg
2 Utility GND +5 V
3 Line trigger
4 Trig out (H) / Right trig in (V) Left trig in (V)
5 +30 V −30 V
6 +15 V [54xx only!] −15 V [54xx only!]
7 +plugin signal −plugin signal
9 Z Axis A Sweep Intensify
10 A gate Z Axis B Sweep
11 Sample pulse [note 1] Load stop [note 1]
12 Single-sweep mode
13 +plugin signal −plugin signal
14 Clean GND Return Clean GND Return
15 A sweep ALT drive
16 Lockout B sweep Trace separation
17 Lockout A sweep Single sweep reset
18 Chop sense Display on
19 100 μs/div detect Display chop
20 Chop activate
21 −30 V
22 TS7 TS10
23 TS5 TS6
24 Ch. 2 Col Ch. 2 Row / Sweep rate
25 TS3 TS2
26 TS8 TS9
27 TS1 TS4
28 Ch. 1 Col Ch. 1 Row


Pin group function legend

Plugin power & ground
HF signals
Readout system signals

Description of signals
