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Tektronix AM5030
current probe amplifier
Tektronix AM5030

Produced from 1994 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix AM5030 is a current probe amplifier plug-in for the TM5000 system.

The current probe input is an Amphenol 165-12 connector. It contains pins for hall element and transformer connections, lock detection, probe degaussing, and probe type encoding.

Key Specifications

Scope output 10 mV/Div
Compatible probes
  • A6302 (20/100 A, DC-50 MHz), A6302XL (20/100 A, DC-17 MHz)
  • A6312 (20/100 A, DC-100 MHz)
  • A6303 (100/500 A, DC-15 MHz), A6303XL (100/500 A, DC-10 MHz)
  • A6304XL (500/700 A, DC-2 MHz)
  • CT4 with A6302, A6302XL or A6312 (2000/20000 A)


See also