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Tektronix 105
25 Hz to 1 MHz square wave generator

Produced from 1950 to (?)

Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 105 is a 25 Hz to 1 MHz square-wave generator. It was designed by Howard Vollum and Charles Sanford and has an all-tube construction.

The 105 has a d'Arsonval meter on its front panel indicating the current frequency. The frequency meter works on the principle of moving a constant amount of charge per cycle, integrating this charge into a current, and measuring the current.

The output is generated at the plates of three 6AG7 triodes that run in parallel.

Key Specifications



Some Parts Used in the 105

Frequency range 25 Hz to 1 MHz
Rise and fall time 20 ns (10% to 90%)
Amplitude 10 V to 100 Vp-p (internal 600 Ω load); 1.5 V to 15 Vp-p (external 93 Ω load)
Power 250 W
Weight 35 pounds
Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
6AG7 154-012 154-0012-00 Vacuum Tube (Pentode) 9 Watt power pentode 104 104A 105 112 511 511A 512 513 514 517 517A 524
6CB6A 154-0030-00 Vacuum Tube (Pentode) pentode 105 112 316 317 503 504 513 517 517A 541 535 545 63 2A63