Application Notes

Revision as of 03:43, 12 November 2020 by Peter (talk | contribs)

"Digital Application Notes"

  • 7000 Series Digital Plug-In Applications, 1977 (PDF, OCR)
  • (please add) Measuring time Interval Between Νοn-Adjacent Digital Word Train Pulses or Multi-Echo Radar Pulses (→ 7D15)
  • (please add) Counting Events in a Burst and Measuring Burst Frequency (→ 7D14)
  • (please add) Digital Delay in an Oscilloscope Makes Your Radar Pulse Time Delay Measurements Quicker, Easier and More Accurate (→ 7D11)
  • (please add) Measuring Memory Core I/Ο Signals with Digital Accuracy (→ 7D12//M2, 7D15)
  • (please add) Measuring Disc Drive Access Time and Access Voltages with Tektronix 7000-Series Digital Plug-ins (→ 7D12//M2, 7D15)
  • (please add) SCR Gating Waveform Measurements with High Resolution Digital Accuracy (→ 7D12//M2)
  • (please add) Why Use Digital Events in Your Measurement Applications (→ 7D11)