Intel 8086
The Intel 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor monolithic integrated circuit introduced in 1978. It companion 8087 floating point coprocessor was introduced in 1980.
The 8088 is a version with an external 8-bit data bus, notable as the processor used in the original IBM PC design.
The 80186 is an improved version designed for embedded systems that adds a number of instructions, as well as hardware features like clock generator, interrupt controller, timers, wait state generator, DMA channels, and external chip select lines. The 80188 is the same with an external 8-bit data bus.
Used in
Some instruments using part Intel 8086
Instrument | Manufacturer | Class | Model | Description | Introduced |
1240 | Tektronix | Logic Analyzer | 1240 | Modular Logic Analyzer | 1984 |
2220 | Tektronix | Oscilloscope | 2220 | 60 MHz portable DSO | 1986 |
2221 | Tektronix | Oscilloscope | 2221 | 60 (100) MHz portable DSO | 1988 |
2230 | Tektronix | Oscilloscope | 2230 | 100 MHz portable DSO | 1986 |
2232 | Tektronix | Oscilloscope | 2232 | 100 MHz digital/analog scope | 1989 |
2245A | Tektronix | Oscilloscope | 2245A | 100 MHz portable 4-channel scope | 1988 |
2246 | Tektronix | Oscilloscope | 2246 | 100 MHz portable 4-channel scope | 1987 |
2782 | Tektronix | Spectrum Analyzer | 2782 | 33 GHz Spectrum Analyzer | 1990 |
4114 | Tektronix | Terminal | 4114 | 19" DVST graphics terminal | 1981 |
4115 | Tektronix | Terminal | 4115 | 19" Color terminal | 1981 |